In December we adopted a baby {Rottie} girl.

ImagePart of the "agreement" with the move to Wilmington more than two years ago was that I wanted another puppy. Finley needed company, I needed a puppy, and well... I needed a puppy. With the transition taking MUCH longer than anticipated we put off looking until the time was right. Finally in the fall, after all the traveling that comes with football season, we got serious. I got a couple wait-lists with some rescue groups and then one night Rottweiler Hearts Rescue called and said they had a little girl that we could meet.

The next day we met her and she was ours! It happened so fast after all that waiting that we weren't even ready! If you follow me on Instagram you know  that as soon as we sign the papers, got a couple of "family" pictures we headed out to the store to get her a proper name tag and her own kong right away!


ImageWe named her Peggy after one of our favorite characters on Mad Men and it is so funny how people think Peggy is an odd name for a Rottweiler. I think it suits her in a way.

The past 6 months have been so fun with her. She is CRAZY and a total opposite of Finley but she's the sweetest and she loves to be loved on so it's easy to have her be your 85 lb shadow.




She's a digger, a crier, a chewer, a belly up sleeper and a fetcher. She loves ice cubes, biting Finley's ears, and drooling.



She enjoys walks but refuses to actually potty while on them. She is a pro at the dog park and loves when her Uncle Greg (my brother) can come take her to play instead of being in the crate.


ImageSo far she doesn't seem to like swimming, but we we're working on it. She does not like when you blow into her face and she has huge paws. He little nub of a tail is always moving, unless your petty her then she likes to be very still as if she's soaking up each touch.




ImagePeggy is an avid TV watcher, hates when I am on my phone in bed in the morning - she reminds me by "gently" pawing my phone away.







ImagePeggy came to us through the rescue group but they got her after she, her mom and her sister were abandoned in a trailer in Durham. Poor girls were found very dirty and a little shy, but for the most part healthy and happy.

These were some of the pictures that the rescue group shared of her before we got her:


She has been a joy to have in our lives and I am so happy we got to adopt her. She looks cute in the pictures for sure, but maybe once I'm back on the blogging train more consistently I share the NUMEROUS pictures of the destruction she has also caused :)